The mouthpiece of The Literature Collaborative, a group of Literature students in the College of Creative Studies at UCSB.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Isla Vista

As a Lit major, you probably have opinions about the local coffee. Here are mine. Nicoletti's (and its branches at the Arbor, by Buchanan, etc.) is pretty much the only option on campus, and it's sufficient between classes but not great. Luckily Caje in Isla Vista is reasonably good. It's tastier, quieter, and less crowded than Java Jones. This is what Caje looks like:


Isla Vista in general gets a lot of loathing, but I'm fond of it. Check out this detailed UCSB and Isla Vista Walking Tour by a Physics professor. A few of the highlighted locations: the entrance to a long-defunct asphalt mine, the memorial to the symbolic Isla Vista tree, the geodesic dome house, the Celtic cross at Coal Oil Point, and remnants of Isla Vista's primeval oak forest. You also can't miss the Food Co-op.

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