The mouthpiece of The Literature Collaborative, a group of Literature students in the College of Creative Studies at UCSB.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Literature course catalog descriptions

The official UCSB Catalog descriptions for CCS Lit classes sound so good:

CS 110. Genres
Emphasis on the development of literary forms, represented in the work of major authors, essential traditions. Exploration of ways genre directs and, discovered by a topic, takes individual shape.

CS 111. Literary Structure: Chronological
Emphasis on periods and influences: intervals during which literary production especially corresponds with or responds to activity in the culture at large.

CS 112. Literary Structure: Nonchronological
Logical, analogical, cyclical, and repetitive schemes.

CS 113. Subjects and Materials
Emphasis on style and content of literary texts: critical investigation of how matter and manner work together in serious literature.

CS 114. Themes and Motifs
Emphasis on structure and meaning in literary texts: analytic focus on principles of representation, and on recurrent features, in the literature studied.

I hope all of that is what I've actually been learning during the past 3.75 years! But no, Lit Collab has decided that these descriptions were probably just made up by our instructors a long time ago when UCSB demanded that they list something in the catalog. I still like them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mudrick made those up, happy that they could mean whatever they had to mean.